Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Magic Bullet - Another Ridiculous Product?

Continuing the idea of the previous post regarding the crap Americans purchase, I'd like to play homage to the Magic Bullet. The infomercial wows its studio panel with individual margaritas and insta-salsa. While I always giggled at the infomercial on Saturday mornings, I never dreamed I would be a somewhat co-owner of this item until my lovely boyfriend/co-homeowner was given one for his 29th birthday.

It sat in the box several days while we decided whether to keep it or not. But finally, we broke into the juicer portion of the bullet. Yes, I was a naysayer about the potential magic that the bullet could perform, but I was wrong. The little bullet really delivers! It juiced us some tasty peach-apple juice. It zizzed some groovy gazpacho. What will be next? A cereal smoothie? A frozen beer blend? Frankly, the Magic Bullet is just as amazing as the Turbo Cooker!


Stacey Royston said...

My sister bought 2 of the magic bullet. She gives them to her family as gifts.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how amused I am by your use of "ziz" as a verb.

Happy belated birthday, co-homeowner!

Elle Woods said...

ZIZ just came upon me. I think I need to use it more often...

Bruiser Woods said...

Ziz. That ziz fantastic. Ha!

And only lame-o corporate types call it the "Turbo Cooker". It will always be the "magic pan" to me!

Now I'm in the mood for a stove-top baked Cherry Coke cake. Damn.

Elle Woods said...

I bet they have a "magic pan" for sale on Ebay for CHEAP! Or even better, I bet a local Big Lots has a few to spare...