Thursday, January 18, 2007

Creamy Goodness

American Idol, in typical fashion, is whoring its brand once again. This time it's ice cream. Actually, the "Take the Cake" flavor sounds damn good. However, I really think some better flavors would have been "Silky Simon Sundae" or "Peppermint Poppin' Paula" or even better "Razzy Ripple Randy."


Bruiser Woods said...

This is way lame-o (though I agree that the "Take the Cake" flavor sounds awesome). I cannot believe the American Idol franchise would sell out like this!!! What next? American Idol breakfast cereal?

How about these flavors? "Ryan Starr Crunch"? "Reuben Custard"? "Clay Bacon and Pancakes"? "Grape Jelly Clarkson"? "Chris Cookie Dough-tree"?

Anonymous said...

I bought it, I ate it, and and I'm proud to admit it. This. Stuff. RAWKS. I had the Choc and Roll, and although it's firmly adhered itself to my ass (but note that since it is low-fat/cal, it is also low-guilt), it earned its place there.

Run, do not walk, to your nearest Safeway.

Elle Woods said...

Dude! I bought the "Take the Cale" today and it rockes, especially for being low fat/low cal. Seriously impressed. And Bruiser, don't put Clayken's name nex to bacon and pancake ice cream. As you know, that was first conceived her on STSS, and shouldn't have his lame name attached...

Stacey Royston said...

mmmmmm. bacon and pancake icecream. That was SOOOOO good.