Sunday, May 20, 2007

Video game reviews-better late than never

My addiction this past weekend has been the Angry Video Game Nerd. This dude (who must live in a Philly suburb based on his references to Vitamin Y as a "local brew" and posters in his room from classic rock station WYSP) has taken the time to review a bunch of crap old NES/Atari/Sega games. He's foul mouthed, crude, and pretty darn funny.

I think my favorites are his reviews of:

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Drunken Gossip

In the vein of gossipy newspaper columns...What former head of the Christian Coalition was spotted this week looking overtly over-cocktailed? His flushed face apparently didn't fool anyone who saw him. I wonder what his former followers would think of him now?

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I *Heart* the New Scott Stapp

American Idol really changes people. In fact, I think there are levels of transformation. Example A: Chris Daughtry. Last evening in Vegas, Mr. Daughtry was full-on rock star with heavy eyeliner and a heavy rocker attitude. The guy who worked at Jiffy Lube has transformed himself from the AI rocker and now into super rocker. Frankly, his demonstration last evening made me think he's been watching too many Creed videos...

Saturday, May 05, 2007

This panda needs some Claritin

Sorta like how I feel today. Damn pollen.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

TV Shows on DVD

Big news this week about TV shows coming out on DVD. One of my favorite web sites -- -- just ran a story about "My So Called Life" *finally* appearing on DVD. While I'll have to wait until fall for the set, I'll be pleased as punch to see Jared Leto when he was still hot. Ahh...those were the days. In the meantime for your viewing plesure, "90210 - The Second Season" just came out on DVD yesterday. So for those without expanded cable and access to SoapNet, Dylan can certainly fill in until fall.

[I know, I know...this post wasn't funny or silly. But I contend it is newsworthy and helpful, and I'm just trying to keep things fresh.]