Thursday, June 30, 2005
Rainbows! I like rainbows. Like the Ones That...
Don't know what I'm talking about? I think the NYTimes says it best:
fashion/thursdaystyles/30rainbow.html?8dpc (cut and paste this link)
Although I don't have any first-hand experience with these parties (I am unfortunately over the age of 18), I don't think its too far-fetched to think that these are just a figment of the right-wing's imagination, and this doesn't really happen. They probably just want to stomp out all kinds of rainbows. The right-wing certainly likes to stomp out everything else...
Monday, June 27, 2005
Return to Our Youth
While my memory is a little fuzzy about the details of the performances, I feel like Live Aid was a big deal for the world, and for my own personal viewing, back in the 80s. It just makes me wonder if the 12 year olds out there also anxiously anticipating sitting at home all Saturday watching their Live 8 on MTV and VH1?
Regardless, there is a pretty kickass line-up this time around. Check some details:
Besides the most hideous, annoying, evil Josh Groban, it seems like a good gig. I can only wish I was in London to catch Robbie Williams. Or really, wouldn't it be cool to see a concert from red Square in Moscow?
Too bad I'd have to share the concert with one million of my closest friends out on the Parkway in Philly. I think I'll just tune in on MTV. But good luck to Mo-town Philly for a successful event without too many arrests, beatings or other bizarre things that happen 'round here.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
A cry for help?
That said, I think I must need professional help. Why? Because I just laughed riotously loud at a sight gag on the CBS sitcom "Yes, Dear". It is bad enough that I was watching that insipid program, but to actually find it entertaining? That is a true cry for help.
Name Your Fave Movie Line
Some are good, some are dumb. I’ll let you decide if you like their choices, but in the meantime, here are a few off the top of my head that should have been included. I could have included more from “When Harry Met Sally” but I’m trying to spread the wealth (or trying not to look like I’ve memorized the movie).
“I love the smell of commerce in the morning.” – Mallrats
“Sally, please report to me.” – When Harry Met Sally
“What I’m saying is that men and women can’t be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.” -- When Harry Met Sally
“You're the worst kind. You're high maintenance, but you think you're low maintenance.” – When Harry Met Sally
“I’m Andrew Shepherd and I am the president.” – The American President
“She could use some mascara and some serious highlights, but otherwise, she's not completely unfortunate looking.” – Legally Blonde
“Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?” – The Breakfast Club
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Rachael Ray is a liar
Why, RR? I let you into my living room at least 2 hours a week, and then, when I finally build up the courage to fire up my stove, I learn it is all a sham? I'm crushed.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Doritos: Not Just for Nice People
Apparently, Saddam's prison guards recently shared wtih GQ that he has a massive Doritos-eating habit. Check this out:
While I don't understand his evil mass killings or torture of innocent people, I do fully understand his love of the world's best chip. The nacho seasoning, the powdery orange fingers, and the easily-detectable Doritos breath are true testaments to the wonderfulness of this American snack food.
Friday, June 17, 2005
What Century Is This?
If you're confused, I direct you here:
Yes, that's a photo of several U.S. senators wearing seersucker for the annual "Let's Look Like its Birmingham in 1935 and Wear Seersucker Day." I'm guessing its some lame southern tradition going back to 1901 where senators really didn't have anything better way to entertain themselves than to dress up like dorks. The American public already thinks that our elected officials are dorks, but did they have to go this far?
And, I know what you're thinking...this is really worse than "Hawaiian Shirt Day."
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Save Me from 90210 Reruns
Yes, I understand that it is summer and I shouldn't expect much, but really, it is hot outside and I'm bored with what's on my boob tube.
So, listen up dear readers, I need your advice. Tell me what to watch on TV. But, before you tinkle your keys, please don't include any suggestions like CBS sitcoms, reruns of "Mash" or "Will and Grace," NASCAR events, stuff that involves TomKat, or anything on FoxNews. However, please do let me know of any hot, steamy selections on C-SPAN, shows about food and drink, and anything just plain bizarre.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Torture by Radio
It’s annoying enough that we have to be tortured by radio station playlists controlled by the supreme radio gods, Clear Channel and Infinity. But these horrid radio conglomerates torture us with the worst stuff on the market. There are a few key examples (although I’m sure there are hundreds more – please feel free to share those with us here, except any examples involving Britney Spears).
Example A: The new Backstreet Boys song.
I don’t even know the name of this song, and I really don’t want to know. I do know that it sucks. The song sounds like it was rejected by some lame country-pop artist and then passed along to the boy band for their comeback hit. I thought I never would have to see Kevin Richardson and his evil goatee, but no, I will now be haunted forever.
Example B: Will Smith’s song “Switch”
“Ooh la la la.” Yes, that’s a real line from this fine song that sounds like it was dug up from 1988. The song sounds like he’s trying to start a new rap-line dance craze, and if it is, he should be ashamed of himself. Why is Mr. Smith trying to continue his rap career with rehashed renditions of cheesey rap? Rap has come a long way since “Parents Just Don’t Understand.” Will Smith needs to stick with movies, rather than producing songs that sound like rap for over-40 year old parents or “Romper Room.”
Monday, June 06, 2005
Bill, I’ll Miss You
I can’t count the days I strode in late to work and caught the last half hour of CNN Morning with Bill and Daryn (Kagan). A certain coworker and I were always happy to hear there was a hurricane brewing, since Bill would likely be there to cover the disaster. He always looked his best when wet in the midst of heavy rain and wind, outfitted in a windbreaker and glasses (he didn’t wear glasses in the studio). Bill was also there for some dark days in my life -- when he was posted in Florida for the recount, and even when evildoers were attempting a ridiculous task of impeaching a president. Yet, the days of evil Republicans were always happier when I could gaze at Bill.
So Bill, I bid you adieu. I hope exciting new opportunities come your way. And if you end up on Fox News, there will be hell to be paid.
Friday, June 03, 2005
Dance Fever
So, for “research” purposes, I tuned in to ABC’s new show that couples D-rate celebrities with seemingly equal D-rate ballroom dancers to waltz-offs and cha-cha-offs. Joining in on the fun are the pseudo-snooty dancing judges and America dialing in to vote on their favorite.
My question is: how many call-in votes could a ridiculous show like this actually get? In typical fashion, American is stupider than I can ever imagine, since “Dancing with the Stars” was the most watched program Wednesday night. I’m guessing it was the handsome blue-eyed Joey McIntyre that brought in the voters, rather than some annoying chick from “General Hospital” or Mr. Peterman from “Seinfeld” (although he seemed moderately dashing as he was gliding around the dance floor).
Perhaps networks should remember back to simpler times with some good cheese-sleaze dancing on Dance Fever every Saturday afternoons. That Adrian Zmed really was a hot number.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
My new favorite show...
If anyone else saw this hideously wonderful monstrosity (what else would you expect from an Ashton Kutcher production?) and was puzzled by the stress/excitement-induced nosebleeds of "Chuck", do realize that his affliction is a quite common one -- in the world of Japanese manga, that is. For a primer, check out this:
I can't believe I spend my free time on this crap. Sheesh. I need a real hobby.